mandolinh | Teen Ink


Burien, Washington
Member for 15 years


I am Mandolin Hooper. Songwriter. Songbutcher. Improvisational adventurer. Filmmaker. Writer.<br /> <br /> Bukowski disciple.<br /> <br /> Dean Martin&#039;s lost great-grandson.<br /> <br /> I want my gravestone to read, &quot;And you thought it was just a cold.&quot;

Books: The Hours (Michael Cunningham), American Psycho (Bret Easton Ellis), Post Office (Charles Bukowski), The Shining (Stephen King)
Music: Only the Lonely (Frank Sinatra), Teatro (Willie Nelson), Heartbreaker (Ryan Adams), Blue Valentine (Tom Waits)
Movies: Reservoir Dogs, American Psycho, Manhattan, Raging Bull
TV Shows: Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Sopranos, Sex and the City, LOST

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper

By mandolinh GOLD
Burien, Washington
mandolinh GOLD, Burien, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The number of tears a man cries at his worst is directly related to the amount of happiness he encountered at his<br /> best.&quot; - Mandolin Hooper