aanni | Teen Ink


White Oak, Texas
Member for 15 years


I like music, writing, books, guitars, laughing so hard I cry, smiling so much my cheeks hurt, talking so much my voice disappears, loving him with all my heart, and waking up to the sunshine and the cool breeze.

Books: Pope Joan, Speak, To Kill A Mockingbird, Utopia
Music: Sound of Madness by Shinedown, Memoirs of a Geisha Soundtrack, Twister Soundtrack, Aligned Archetype by Kellee Maize
Movies: Twister, Memoirs of a Geisha, He Was Cool, Sweeney Todd
TV Shows: Mad Men, Scrubs, How It's Made, NCIS
Interests: Reading, Writing, Singing, Laughing

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

By aanni SILVER
White Oak, Texas
aanni SILVER, White Oak, Texas
7 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.