Jade13 | Teen Ink


Santa Cruz, California
Member for 13 years


I'm Jade, and I sure do love to write. Nature and people are my biggest inspirations, but I could really write about almost anything. I don't spend too much time editing most of my work, so comments and feedback are greatly welcomed!

Books: Harry Potter, Still Life With Woodpecker, The Pastures of Heaven, Ishmael
Interests: Writing, Reading, Soccer, Guitar

By Jade13 SILVER
Santa Cruz, California
Jade13 SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma."

By Jade13 SILVER
Santa Cruz, California
Jade13 SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma."

By Jade13 SILVER
Santa Cruz, California
Jade13 SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma."

By Jade13 SILVER
Santa Cruz, California
Jade13 SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma."

By Jade13 SILVER
Santa Cruz, California
Jade13 SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma."

By Jade13 SILVER
Santa Cruz, California
Jade13 SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma."