Champion by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Champion by Marie Lu

February 27, 2014
By bookwormproud BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
bookwormproud BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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In the year 2130, what was once the United States of America split into two countries: the Colonies of America and the Republic of America. They have been rivals since then but the Colonies have finally agreed to peace after young elector (similar to a president), Anden, takes the lead after his father. Released just last year, “Champion” by Marie Lu is a dystopian story told from both Day and June after the Colonies and the Republic’s peace treaty is broken. Furthermore, Day, once the Republic of America’s most notorious criminal and a real celebrity, now works as a high ranking military officer and tries to live a quiet life with his brother Eden, all the while dealing with a condition that may be life-threatening. In contrast, June, a young military prodigy, lives her life shadowing Anden as the Princeps-elect, a position that may make her the leader of the Senate. During this time, though, fate causes Day and June to collide again, after a very long time, when the Colonies of America find a weapon in their country created by the Republic that even they cannot control. The only way to stop the threat of war is to have Day put a thing he holds dear at risk, something he is not willing to do. Both defend what they love in “Champion”, an amazing conclusion to the “Legend” series that will keep you up all night and break your heart in the end.
Although, the tragic ending could have been put presented with more foreshadow before it occurred, “Champion” is a perfect end to the Legend series, keeping it from ending with too much foreshadowing, but still giving it the sense that everything does not end “happily ever after”. Furthermore, female readers will probably favor the character June, for she portrays a headstrong prodigy who can fend for herself and can always keep a level head in even when she is in the most stressful of situations. Readers will also enjoy the fact that it has a little bit of romance but not so that it overpowers the rest of the story and the real conflict. In addition, readers will favor the scene in the ending where the book takes a major turn and everything changes. This event makes the book not one just for fun and adventure, but the book becomes that of a heartwarmer with a deep message.The book talks about known quote “if you love something let it go” for June does just that because “I love you/I will hold you in my heart/grieving what we never had, cherishing what we did” since she knows she is letting him go for good ( Lu 355). She only saw the great pain she caused him every time they were together, and this pained her but made her decision in the end easier. In all, people who enjoy action-adventure, romance, dystopian, or science-fiction would enjoy book/series. “Champion”, and the rest of its series, shall take its readers on a ride as it tells of a prodigy and a legend through times of war and confusing love.

The author's comments:
i hope readers will be persuaded to read this book and series and love it as much as i did.


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