Looking For Alaska | Teen Ink

Looking For Alaska

September 21, 2007
By Anonymous

Looking For Alaska
Penguin Group ( USA ) Inc., 2005, 221pp, $7.99
ISBN 0-525-47506-0

John Green

Have you ever felt like you were trapped in a labyrinth? Miles Halter, a young man who has a unique talent for remembering famous last words has come from Florida to attend Culver Creek boarding school. He hopes to find his “great perhaps” which is the thing that will add some edge to his life, he hopes that his “great perhaps” comes in the form of a girl, and it does.
On arrival he meets his roommate the Colonel, A strong young boy who is a bit of a nerd. Later in the book he meets a cute Swedish girl named Lara who spoke English but had a very noticeable accent. Then there is Alaska , the one person there that Miles felt had all he wanted. She had Smarts, looks and a morale center. She was the one you would go to if you felt like having a good time. She was smart illustrious and dead gorgeous. As he grows to become friends with Alaska he became the person she talked to if she had a problem. Of course there were things that they didn't share with each other and that is the fact that ultimately make this book stand out from the rest of the bunch. Pretty soon Miles finds himself in a labyrinth of his own.

John Green creates a very life like situation in this thrilling tragedy Looking For Alaska . Most people between the ages of thirteen to eighteen will love this book. I thought this was the most believable and grabbing book that I have ever had the pleasure to read. Green creates so many different personalities and characteristics, from the Prep's with their hair obsession, to Miles and his talent for remembering last words.
Some parts may have been slow but Green picks the momentum right back up after a couple pages. The second personality to Alaska caught me off guard but John blended her ditzy and smart side perfectly. I also thought that the ending that Green provided I think this book is a must read for anyone who loves suspense and tragedy is perfect and was a wonderful way to end a wonderful book. Look out for some of his other books like the Abundance of Katherine's. I give this book a great big thumbs up pick it up next time you want to be thrilled to the max.


This article has 1 comment.

Alaska SILVER said...
on May. 7 2009 at 6:45 pm
Alaska SILVER, Santa Rosa, California
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's what she said."

This is way off. You've got it all wrong. Pudge doesn't feel like he's trapped in the Labyrinth; Alaska does. Pudge goes "to seek a Great Perhaps", yes. Hoping it is in the form of a girl? No. And the Colonel is SO NOT a nerd. Miles is the nerd, if anyone. LARA IS NOT SWEDISH!! And uhm, Pudge never said he felt like Alaska had all he wanted. "Pretty soon Miles finds himself in a labyrinth of his own." <--that part was good, and true. Go reread the book.