Deamon Thief Book Review | Teen Ink

Deamon Thief Book Review

October 22, 2012
By ak977 BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
ak977 BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Daren Shan brings you into the world of Kernal Fleck and his journey if going into the world of the Demonata in his book The Demon Thief.

Kernal is dragged into the world of the Demonata when his brother Art gets stolen by “the demon thief” Cadaver, one of the books main antagonists.

Kernal is sent through a herocious road of trials through different dimentions and worlds of the Demonata, each one filled with blood thirsty monsters and brutal fights. His adventure leads up to him and the demon master Lord Loss at the final stage for a fight over his beloved brother Art. Even with all of the monsters Kernal and his allies have to worry about the intense and danger filled worlds of the Demonata.

Kernal reminds me of myself when he goes after Cadaver to save his brother. This reminds me of when I lost my seven year old cousin at Six Flags. I did every thing I could to find him.

Shan takes you on a wild ride of a boy who is willing to do anything to save his brother. Kernal finds allies along the way that play a huge role in his attempt to save his little brother.

The author's comments:
My english teacher inspired me to write this.


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