Bootleg: Murder, Moonshine, and the Lawless Years of Prohibition by Karen Blumenthal | Teen Ink

Bootleg: Murder, Moonshine, and the Lawless Years of Prohibition by Karen Blumenthal

July 30, 2012
By Willie123 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Willie123 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

I'm not typically a fan of non-fiction books because they tend to bore me and have to much information that I particularly don't care about, but the moment I started reading, I was hooked. This book is more than just about the prohibition era during the 1920's as you may infer from the title. The book starts with a summary of the Valentine's day massacre but yet does not return to the subject until the 9th chapter. The story goes all the way back to when the pilgrims first settled in America in the 17th century. The author dives deep into the history of the struggle of prohibiting alcohol and gives us the information as if we are experiencing these times ourselves. She begins with how alcohol was consumed and produced in the early days of our country. As you read you begin to understand the struggle that the women and children had to go through in order to get alcohol illegal in the United States. During the time of their struggle women weren't even allowed to vote, so when you see them overcome the challenges it shows the reader what being an American is all about. Even though the book being 150 pages and 9 chapters long there is a great amount of detail about people you might not know and other important figures such as the notorious Al Capone. This book was almost in chronological order expect for the first couple of pages and in my opinion it helps the reader better absorb and learn all the information such as people, dates, etc. This book was a very easy read for me and every time I turn the page I enjoyed what I was reading. All the context and information isn't boring as it is sometimes in other non-fiction books. The text was usually broken up every page by a black and white photo that allows you to live the experience. This book would be a very good resource for book reports on this subject because it doesn't just deal with the years of prohibition but also the years leading up to it. I would recommend this book to anyone that doesn't know anything on this subject or is just a history buff and would to like to further expand their knowledge in American history.


This article has 4 comments.

on Aug. 23 2012 at 10:57 pm
Taylor58 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
I think that this review was very good. If i was to read that on the back of the book it would make me want to get the book and read about it. You wrote a good review i believe.

on Aug. 23 2012 at 10:41 pm
Jaret123 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I had no idea what Prohibition era was until i read this. I learned something that I didnt know before.

on Aug. 23 2012 at 10:28 pm
Parker Lloyd BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Sounds very interesting although being a Non-Fiction novel.

on Aug. 23 2012 at 10:11 pm
KaylieCha97 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Go jump off a cliff"

Just reading the summary had me feel like I was reading the novel myself. Good job portraying the book and this novel seemed like a great reminder of how the past was for women and everyone. It also looks like a great source way to learn history in a non-boringly way.