Don't Die My Love | Teen Ink

Don't Die My Love

October 5, 2007
By Anonymous

Don't Die My Love, was a heartwarming book. Luke is a senior who is diagnosed with cancer. His girlfriend Julie is right by his side through it all. All that mattered to Julie was helping Luke and believing he would be okay. But cancer is not something anyone can control and Luke didn't make it through the surgery when the doctors tried removing his tumor located by his heart. The main reason why I like this book is because it can happen in real life. It isn't something that is not real. A real person can be in love with end up getting cancer. There isn't one thing in this book that made me want to stop reading it. Every time I opened it I ended up stopping after I read at least five chapters. I would encourage every teen girl to read this if they adore love novels. I think Boys wouldn't be as much interested in it as girls because it is just like a chick flick only a book.


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