Shadowland by Alyson Noel | Teen Ink

Shadowland by Alyson Noel

December 15, 2009
By Shelbi Bostock BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
Shelbi Bostock BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most books about being immortal make it out to be perfect. You get to stay with the one you love forever. In Shadowland, the third book in a series by Alyson Noel, Ever an immortal, has just saved the love of her life. Unfortunately she was tricked into cursing him as she saved him. Now they can not touch because if they do Damen, her one true love through many reincarnations, will die. Together they work to find a cure or a way around the curse.

Roman who is another immortal is the one who tricked Ever into cursing Damen. He taunts her with the cure but she goes off to find it in her own ways. He is basically a stalker trying to ruin her and Damen’s lives. On her search she runs into Jude. He is a reincarnation of one of Ever’s past loves. When Jude and Ever get closer Damen realizes that maybe he is not the one for Ever. They break up but Ever continues on doing whatever she can to find the cure.

Roman doesn’t give up. He knows he needs something stronger something closer to her. He knows that any harm caused to her friends because of what she is will be her weak spot. That she will put her friends safety before her own wishes. This is central to the whole story. Ever wanting to be with her friends, wanting them to know her secret but not wanting to hurt them.

Shadowland has multiple characteristics of a fantasy novel. One idea is the immortals and how they create or manifest. They also have other magical powers. Another characteristic is the reincarnations and how the souls are reincarnated. There is even reference to a damsel in distress. In Ever’s reincarnations Damen always has to try to save her. Unfortunately he does not make it to her in time until she is in her current reincarnation as Ever.

Though this story is a corny romance novel it has more than that. You can relate to their friendships and struggles. You can see the close bonds they share. This is partly why I love this book. There is the historical background to the characters. The magical powers the immortal characters have is also fun.

Shadowland holds your attention and keeps you guessing till the closing sentence. Alyson Noel makes you want to love the characters as your own friends. If you love to read silly romance novels and don’t mind a fantasy twist in the story read this book to make sure Ever and Damen get their happily ever after.


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