Jango | Teen Ink


October 7, 2007
By Anonymous

Jango is a young adult fantasy novel about love, friendship, courage, and strength. In addition, it is book two of the Noble Warrior series and is one of the most captivating fantasy novels that I've read in a long time. It is about three skilled warriors that live in a society called Normana. Seeker, Morning Star, and Wildman are forced to become independent and strong physically and mentally by completing intense training sessions that they go through. Soon enough they find a great evil lurking against them and they would have to use their training that they learned to defeat it. William Nicholson is a very skilled and creative author that has the ability to pull his readers inside the story as if there were actually there. From beginning to end Nicholson continuously mesmerizes his audience and in my opinion should be fully applauded for his work.


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