Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer | Teen Ink

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

October 6, 2009
By aaron@fms BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
aaron@fms BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Good books filled with adventure, mastermind plots, action, and even a little humor are hard to come by. That’s why books like Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident are cherished. When you have a brilliant criminal mind like Artemis Fowl’s and your father is supposedly held captive in the Arctic Ocean, you’ll stop at nothing to get your father back. Especially when you have the aid of a certain fairy named Holly. In this fantasy, the plot Eoin Colfer creates is very interesting. Artemis Fowl communicates with the Fairy World hundreds of miles underground. He helps them in exchange for their aid in saving his father. The plot development was also good. The author built up the plot with details little by little. Everything falls in place at the end of the story.

Characters in a story are a big part of why a reader will choose that book. Artemis Fowl is a intelligent 13-year old with poise beyond his years. He always has a witty comeback and a incredible plan. He is not the kindest of people, or the type to be willing to respect someone. Eoin Colfer’s way of developing his characters is unique. At the end of the story, Colfer changes Artemis’s character. He is willing to respect people like Holly, Butler, and his father. Artemis’s ever faithful bodyguard, Butler is one of the most dangerous people on Earth. He does not always agree with Artemis’s cold blooded ideas but does them nonetheless. Along with Commander Julius Root, Holly Short is one of the faeries who assist Artemis in saving his father after he helped them with their goblin problem.

The setting in the story also plays a huge part in Artemis’s plan to save his father. If they were not in the Arctic Ocean, then he would have had to come up with a more complicated plan. If Artemis had gone along with the same plan he used, his father would have been killed. Also, because he was fortunate enough to have the Fairy People’s help, Artemis was able to use some of their equipment and even steal some while he was underground. Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident even has humor along with all that action. The humor may be crude at times but you’ll get used to it and even like it.


This article has 2 comments.

mikey123 said...
on Oct. 20 2009 at 7:12 pm
i have read this book and i bileve it is totaly awsome and the serris only gets better

kyle said...
on Oct. 13 2009 at 9:42 am
this book does not sound right for me but it sounds good to other people that likes that stuff