Cross Country Actually Exists | Teen Ink

Cross Country Actually Exists

November 27, 2018
By Anonymous

I kind of agree and kind of disagree. We have the same problem at our school. We didn’t recognize cross country until they went to regionals. She has a good point. She stated, “Waking up at six in the morning and running ten miles probably isn’t every body’s cup of tea.” I agree with that. I play 2 sports and would never do that. I think this article is written well. From just reading it, I think she has all good punctuation. She wrote, “Sitting together, my fellow teammates and I make sarcastic comments  pointing out the fact that, once again, we didn’t get acknowledged at the pep rally.” I personally think that all sports should get acknowledged some not as much as others, but all should get acknowledged.

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on Dec. 30 2018 at 10:20 pm
TheEvergreen SILVER, Birmingham, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never laugh at live dragons." -JRR Tolkien

As a cross country runner in a big high school, I don't get up at 6 am to run 10 miles.

However, our school only recognizes football in pep rallies. I always thought that was normal, but I guess it's not?