Music | Teen Ink


April 22, 2015
By Mikki.Dude. BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
Mikki.Dude. BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Melody of music calming my soul 
The feeling of sadness everywhere 
How am I walking around with this hole
Feeling like I am dying with this scare.

Forever with me in my soul and mind 
Sometimes killing me from the inside out 
Music is basically making me blind 
Feeling like I am to go all about 

Although music can be sad and quite 
You have to change up your entire mood
and instead of having to say good night
You have to be nicer and lose the tude.

Music does this to you, country and rap
Thank you for listening ye ‘ol wee chap 

The author's comments:

I had to wright this for school and I got a little stuck on the couplet... Enjoy!

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