I Feel Unclean | Teen Ink

I Feel Unclean

May 9, 2024
By eclark25 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
eclark25 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The hands are still stuck on my young body.

Leaving stains on the once unaware youth.

Showing them the signs, to everybody,

Begging them to know the real, whole truth.

My body still shows the signs of those two,

But no one will ever listen to me,

Because they were a kid who never knew.

They didn’t know how it was meant to be,

They had no idea, not a single clue.

Because their parents never taught them it,

The internet was the one who had to.

And now I have to deal with all this

For all my days, till end of my time,

Living out these days in trauma and grime.

The author's comments:

Written about COCSA. (Child on child sexual assault)

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