Choice | Teen Ink


May 29, 2019
By noahmilrad BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
noahmilrad BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the strongest parts of life is choice,

in which a person decides on their own.

It means to express one’s personal voice

and not copy others like a clone.


The concept is why people may vary,

as we do not all choose something the same.

A world without choice would be quite scary,

in which one would fail to make their own claims.


Choices have a large impact on one’s life,

Because they lead to specific outcomes;

A poor choice can lead to a world of strife

and negatively change who one becomes.


The idea of choice makes one unique

and leads to having a special mystique.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the idea of how one's decisions severely impact the outcome of their life. It is interesting to think about how a different decision could have negative consequences or may have led to something great.

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