Grandpa's House | Teen Ink

Grandpa's House

March 22, 2019
By oamadden BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
oamadden BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The spring breeze entices animals to venture into the backyard.

Whirr! The hummingbirds whizz past the window like a bullet, searching for nectar.

The dog lays on the back porch, watching every movement as if on guard.

The summer heat illuminates the ripples of the pool water, spawning a desire to jump in.

Splash! I dive in, cooling off instantly, my sister following in my footsteps.

We search the drain for frogs, then lead them to the forest, where they should have been.

The fall air closes the pool for the season.

Crunch! Deer and other animals stomp over the fallen leaves, readying for winter.

Though we can longer enjoy the outdoors, wildlife has a reason.

The winter snow piles high, making it hard to decorate the outdoor Christmas tree.

Flash! The hidden camera captures the movement of animals sneaking through the backyard.

Their entrance into human territory causes them to flee.

Season after season, Grandpa’s house is the place to go.

There is always a presence of nature, even if it rains or snows.

The author's comments:

This piece is a remembrance of the time I used to visit my grandparent's house back when I lived in the same state as them.

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