Limericks by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Top voted Limericks

#241voted by our readers
By SunnyDreams BRONZE
Niger Falls, Other

Let the rain come, Wash away my sins, Let the thunder roll, And the lightning Crash To scare away the demons tonight. Lord if you hear me, Let the rain come, And wash away...
SunnyDreams BRONZE, Niger Falls, Other
1 article 0 photos 274 comments

Favorite Quote:
Can you feel what I have seen, when no one else has lived through what I have?-HalveOfLife

#242 Poetry
YouMayneverknow, Oklahoma
Roiel SILVER, YouMayneverknow, Oklahoma
9 articles 13 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
I believe that you should never feel compelled to explain yourself if you know your telling the truth.

#243 Poetry
By Anonymous
#244 Poetry
CosmoBrownWasMyDog SILVER, El Segundo, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
_musicandwriting_4 DIAMOND, Simms, Texas
57 articles 2 photos 15 comments
#246 Poetry
By CharlotteManning BRONZE
San Marino, California
CharlotteManning BRONZE, San Marino, California
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have shared my heart, and tolled its' burdens. I have see death, i have seen pain. I will laugh once more, and cry too. For i know now what I have to accomplish… i have to live".

#247 Poetry
By WishfulDoer GOLD
Portland, Oregon
WishfulDoer GOLD, Portland, Oregon
14 articles 0 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
If ignorance is bliss, why is our country so complicated?

#248 Poetry
ZhadaMone GOLD, Westwood, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love you as much as I did yesterday but, not as much as I will tommorow"

#249 Poetry
By Savage_Jeff BRONZE
Applegate, Oregon
Savage_Jeff BRONZE, Applegate, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#250 Poetry
IlanaDavis24 PLATINUM, Rye, New York
34 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"900 Years of Time and Space, I've Never Met Anyone Who Wasn't Important."

-Doctor Who