There was a man in a mushroom | Teen Ink

There was a man in a mushroom

May 9, 2023
By libbymel000 BRONZE, Leavenworth, Kansas
libbymel000 BRONZE, Leavenworth, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a man in a mushroom

and he never learned how to groom

His beard got thicker

covered with wicker

So he covered it with perfume

The author's comments:

Melanie Libby is a junior at Leavenworth High School in Kansas. Her love for writing began to grow in the third grade when she started a class newspaper, and she has been writing ever since. Most of her works are short stories and sonnets, but she has experimented with a wide range of writing styles. When she’s not writing, she spends her time on the cheer team or working as the schools President of Student Council.

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