This is Just to Say | Teen Ink

This is Just to Say

May 15, 2018
By nadine6801 BRONZE, Clarence, New York
nadine6801 BRONZE, Clarence, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I´m not a toy nor a game. But the thing is two can play at this game. She has been holding this to her chest for so long, she can’t hold it in anymore. The pain and suffering he put her through, the lust and hatred connection between them was so strong she couldn’t stand it anymore. He felt power and strength but he himself had neither. She always blamed herself, she allowed his foreplay. She allowed him to take her strength, to break her down and ruin her, no more. She knew that he couldn’t handle it. Towards the end she finally realized that he is the gambler and she is the prize.

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