Hiding | Teen Ink


May 11, 2018
By 9_cra_9 BRONZE, Grundy Center, Iowa
9_cra_9 BRONZE, Grundy Center, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when there was fresh cut green grass once covering the ground.
I remember the bright shining sun on my once bright, happy face.
I remember laughter from my past friends.
Now, I have none of that.
As the sun and grass died, all living things left…
I have been pushed, pulled, and thrown about.
My heart was split in many different pieces to help fill the holes in their hearts.
I tore off many different pieces of myself to help them continue living.
However, once I ran out of pieces, they all left…
Yelling and blaming me for little things that I hadn’t known about.
But I took it all. I took the blame for I knew they couldn’t fathom the possibility of it being them.
Of them being broken and being wrong.
I didn’t want them to cry, so I let them be angry. Angry at me for the wrongs in their lives.
They all left me broken and dying on the ground.
I have to look strong and joyful.
My inside has finally reached the outside world.
I thought I could hide and bottle it all up without consequences.
I was wrong.
But I’ll continue to hide it away as if everything’s okay.

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