My Perfect Date | Teen Ink

My Perfect Date

January 19, 2018
By candygavin19 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
candygavin19 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
when life get you lemons you make lemonade

It’s almost my day whose day my day what is the day
Valentine’s Day, the day of love, the day of my hopes of a perfect day with you my love
With you by my side I love you forever
I wish to see your smile when I wake
I wish to travel new places with you
I wish to make new memories
I dream of the perfect dinner under the moon
I wish we kiss like a thousand butterflies
I wish we embrace under the moonlight while the moon cover’s its eyes
As we dance, as if it’s our last dance, dancing the night away feeling as we our floating on air
My love I have gotten my wish and it’s was true
My wish was to spend Valentine’s day with you
So that my heart only sings for you

The author's comments:

What made me write this poem was thinking of my honey bear. my husband to be

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