The Fairytale | Teen Ink

The Fairytale

July 27, 2017
By Aditi666 BRONZE, Bhopal, Other
Aditi666 BRONZE, Bhopal, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They told me that you love fairytales, so here, I got you the best one.

Where is its fairy, you ask?
She got herself abducted and has been waiting ever since,
because to become a princess, you first need a prince.

So once upon a time, there lived a lonely, helpless woman.
What’s her name, you say?
Don’t you worry, it won’t matter by the end of the day.
If she’s fair, call her Snow White and if she’s beautiful, call her Belle.
All that matters is the colour of her skin, the shape of her face,
She is but an object, a doll to be dressed in frilly white lace.

One day she managed to get a day off work, got a dress and shoes on loan.
But wait, a beautiful woman with no man to call her his own?
I’m sorry, but that’s not how this works.
So he takes her shoe and orders her to be found, like she is his lost possession.
Who cares about her opinion? It’s this kind of a story that sells,
The one that ends with the chiming of wedding bells.

For years and years, it’s been going on like this.
You have been compared to hollow, empty women who fail to impress.
So step out of the roles you’ve been assigned to from the day you were born,
The era of Little Mermaid and The Sleeping Beauty are long gone.

Be not what you’re meant to be, but what you choose to be.
Drop the needle, pick up the sword.
Be a knight, a dragon slayer, a brave heart.
Be your own lord.

For you, my love, are a queen who doesn’t need a king.
What defines you is your character, your strength, your talent,
Not your colour, shape or a wedding ring.

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