True Darkness | Teen Ink

True Darkness

May 18, 2017
By Blueberrysans12571 BRONZE, Branchland, West Virginia
Blueberrysans12571 BRONZE, Branchland, West Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody's gonna take you away from me. Not even me, see? I'll kill me before that happens."

Would love survive me? Would you still love the dark if I was in the light? No. The dark is my home. The light is yours. To switch sides would be suicide. The dark would eat you alive. The light would burn til I am ashes. I have broke the rules, just to hear you say but one word. Even if it is full of hate. Don’t live in fear of me. I know you do. I’m so sorry. I can’t help but fall every time I see you. You say her name... The other girl who loves you. I feel so much pain. I should have never thought of you more than my own family. You are still my light. As I watch you and your love, I sit quietly in the darkness.

The author's comments:

It's funny...I still write about him... I still love him. My bitter light in the darkness...

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on May. 20 2017 at 11:44 am
Its just sentence fragments not really poetry