All the Same | Teen Ink

All the Same

December 15, 2016
By Anonymous

change is something i've come to hate

but forced down my throat
im told to run away
i've always hated this place

simple classes turned into new
my mind locked out of itself
like a tree unable to grow
my mind is a plane crash

walking down the halls seeing the same people
bumping into the same person
laughing with the same friends
wanting to talk to the same person

like tree grows towards the sun
i hope to go towards the one
they don't realize
i try my hardest

walking a thin line between something and nothing
bushes surround my mind causing me to stop thinking
when i see it
dark forests cover my eyes

the sound of a violent waterfall deafens me
but i can hear it
talking to someone
he smiles widely as someone laughs

but i am stuck between a thin line of someone and no one
i've always hated staying the same
no growth
and no one

The author's comments:

memories and falling in love with the wrong person 

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