Synesthesia | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The opposite of tender is tough
and not willing to give up easily.
But when you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness,
you might find the world to be a bright and forgiving place.

But heed thy warning, when you toss sadness to the wind,
it returns as an even darker and deadlier foe
who may be able to take you away with one swift blow.

Know if you look underneath peace,
you might hear the battle of cries of those
who have fought and died trying to keep it
for those they love in a far away land.

Know the antonym of pink is that of
the deepest and darkest shade of black
which has absorbed all the color
and hope from those around it.
Including the enemy of green,
who hides between the fierce battle
waging on between blue and yellow

At the top of tomorrow waits
a new and bright path, ready to be taken
by anyone with the strength to do so.
But, At the center of boredom
is a thin line we walk, above it is content
and below it is a deep feeling of loneliness

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