I still need you | Teen Ink

I still need you

April 28, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I still need you
After all these years
You cast out my demons
You calm all my fears
You're my soft place to lay in
When I have had a rough day
You're arms are my shelter
In them I feel so secure, so safe
They offer warmness
In a world that's so cold
They are my weakness
They are my home
I love that you love me
Despite all my flaws
I love how you pick fights
Just so we can make up
You are my best friend
To you I owe the world
Though we may fuss and fight
My heart is still yours
You are my one prayer
that God answered
I asked and he heard
The prayer that I sent up
On the steps of that church
Was not just for a lover
But for my life's fresh start
He knew who I needed
to complete my broken heart
A blessing he gave me
to keep me alive
Forever treasured you will be

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