Looked | Teen Ink


April 28, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have looked here. I have looked there. I have looked everywhere for you.
I found you when I searched no more.
You turned on my light.
You brought me back to life.
You filled my heart with joy.
When we were together, we were 1. We laughed, we had fun, we talked, we opened up our hearts to each other.
But, I lost you. I pushed you away. I forgot you loved me.
I was in a dark place. I did not know you were there. I could not see you. I could not hear you. But you were there. All I had to do was look into my heart.
I am knocking at your door today. No burdens to bring. Only my love for you.
Let me in. Trust me once again.
I do not need you. I want you, I love you.

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