I am who I am | Teen Ink

I am who I am

January 18, 2016
By Rileighhmacias GOLD, Conroe, Texas
Rileighhmacias GOLD, Conroe, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason."

I am who I am.
A writer with an imagination.
My heart is full of love & pain.
My brain is full of memories, good & bad.
The knowledge I have is my key to success.
I will keep fighting, even if nobody’s by myside.
I will still fight.
I am who I am.
Doubt me & I’ll prove you wrong.
Walk in my shoes.
See how far I’ve come.
I will always have my hell side.
They’re in the shadows, where they belong.
They’ll come back, but trust me when I say this.
I’ll win this war.
Again & again.
I am who I am.
Come at me with all your anger.
Shoot me if it’ll make you happy.
I’ll heal, like I always do.
My heart & my brain is what you wish you had.
My heart will stop one day, but my success will live on in life.
I am who I am.

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