All about jank | Teen Ink

All about jank

December 14, 2015
By jacobjenkins34 BRONZE, Attica, Kansas
jacobjenkins34 BRONZE, Attica, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhat a recluse

tans very easily

taller than your average person


who wonders when I'll die or how I'll die


who dreams of being very successful in life


who fears losing people close to my heart


who is afraid of what's in the dark


who wishes school was just a little easier


who likes Chinese food with a passion


who loves staying active and fit

who loves sleeping whenever I have down time

who loves taking things apart to see how they work

who loves sports and being involvedd

who plans to be an architect after college

who plans to have a pit bull named mouse 

who plans to try harder in school to get better grades


 ow you know all about me

The author's comments:

This is me

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