I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

September 17, 2015
By Oldinep GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Oldinep GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a family of six sisters, two nephews, and a brother in law who never misses a single soccer game,
from “God’s is most important in your life.”
I am from a 3 story house, and outside hole that smells like chlorine,
from cheese head Wisconsin.
I am from a family wreaking of Kentucky Fried Chicken,
from me sticking to my mom’s side after the adoption.

I am from Old-Old, Oldie, or Dinney,
from laughter filled friends, a protective family like a deers protecting their young, and aunts and uncles who have boxes with them with my name on them.
I am from the Green Bay Packers,
from a crowd roaring GO PACK GO as loud as a lion marking his territory.
I am from sweat and tears
from hands punching a ball out of my net like two boys ready to have a fight.

I am from toy pig races from school,
from sausage and pepperoni pizza parties from pizza hut as the grand prize.
I am from donut day,
from “Hey! Pass me a jelly donut please?”
I am from crashing into trees while skiing like a surfer wiping out after a wave gobbles him up,
from friends whom smell like hot chocolate, “Hey! Where’s my coco?”

I am from peppermint candy and snow showers,
from the Ho-Hoing, Santa Claus.
I am from “surround yourself with people who make you happy,”
from a Mom and Dad hugging me tightly, it's like seeing One Direction wearing a pair of too tight skinny jeans on stage.
I am from smiles and sunflowers,
from the “Hey! Be proud to be you because everyone else is taken!”

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