I'm Sorry I Exist | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry I Exist

July 11, 2015
By breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my dreams
Everyone loves me
I am the hero
Everyone is centered around me
And I know it sounds egotistical
And vain
And I'm sorry I'm like that
Forgive me

Because in real life
I am always the second choice
No one makes plans with me
If they do
No one else is available
But I am still shocked

A portrait of me
When somebody thinks of me
My mouth pops open
I blush a lot
I might dance
A little
A lot
I curl up in a ball and smile behind my hands
Then reply immediately like an idiot.

I hate interacting with people
For I am vain and self-centered and I can feel it
And I know they're judging me
And I know they're all annoyed with me
They want me to please leave
But they're too polite to breathe a word.

When I am talking to you
Know I am kicking myself
When I stutter so badly that I have to spit out my words
Know I am crying inside
When I am rude and insensitive
Know that I will go home and want to kill myself
I am too awful to live
But I selfishly go on
Because the thought of not being in control makes me anxious
I have to be in control of everything
Or everything
Will fall

To pieces.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 16 2015 at 7:38 pm
elycavill SILVER, Samobor, Other
5 articles 0 photos 186 comments

Favorite Quote:
Leave nothing but footprints,
Take nothing but pictures,
Kill nothing but time.

This is a really good portrait of inside of someone's head. Very nice, on psychological level and writing level both. The doubts, the pain, you really got the emotions so well and profund. It is really good good work!