'She' | Teen Ink


June 9, 2015
By PrincessTreeHugger BRONZE, Greensboro, Maryland
PrincessTreeHugger BRONZE, Greensboro, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was nothing like a sodality,

More like a friendship.

There is no disdain

And never has been.

We’ve never reached an impasse

That we couldn’t break together.

We’ve gloated to others about the

Adventures we’ve taken.

She helps me when I’m being improvident

But not by being poignant.

She’ll tell me I’m capricious

But in a good way.

No matter how badly I mess up

She’ll extenuate my mistake.

We give each other leniency

Just to avoid a fight.

I hope for the furtherance of our

Friendship over the years.

And I hope in the years to come

We’ll still reminiscence about how we met.

We’ll laugh and try

To see who is more brawns than brains.

But we’ll realize that

We’re both to whimsical.

There is no ulterior motive to this friendship

None at all.

I’ve been doing better

Because of her acumen.

If I ever cross a line

She won’t hesitate to give me a good clout.

Sometimes she worries about me

Kind of like how a consort would.

There’s never any ravaging between us

Only positive energy.

She’s only ever bawdy if someone is

Poignant towards me.

She has that thermal kind of touch.

Her laugh is like a beautiful tantara.

She’s a breath of fresh air

In a sea of rotten people.

The author's comments:

This piece was written about my best friend, Elise. We met in our Creative Writing class back in January, and she has been my rock and my everything ever since.

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