You Failed | Teen Ink

You Failed

June 1, 2015
By Awe-Full SILVER, Pasco, Washington
Awe-Full SILVER, Pasco, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"until we have touched each other so much that we have become one" Awe-Full

You know when you stop feeding yourself;
Your body starts to eat itself to help sustain a longer but painful life.
Maybe that’s why you started eating me.
You wanted to keep yourself alive,
So you took my life away.

I couldn’t feed you with care
So every day came with new cuts and bruises.
And you couldn’t stand to see something,
Other than yourself,
Bring pain to me
So you took it upon yourself to pick at the top layer of my skin
To avoid seeing the pain I was going through.

And when I was completely unable to feed you my love,
You took mouthfuls of every cell,
And fat from my body which you undoubtedly hated.

You sucked my lips in attempt to drain every ounce of blood I had left
In hopes of us becoming one.
Now every single part of what was me is inside of you.
Because, now, I am you.

I am that part of you that can’t part from you
Because a part is not a whole and neither are you.
And although all you left behind of me was a corpse,
You, my dear, keep yourself miserably alive.

And although you destroyed me,
You are still dead inside.

The author's comments:

Last one of him, I promise.


He is gone now and I feel alive.

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