Bruce Lee and Me | Teen Ink

Bruce Lee and Me

March 4, 2015
By lonely_l0ner BRONZE, Newman, California
lonely_l0ner BRONZE, Newman, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is better to travel well than to arrive

Desensitised America, justice served by color of face
Full bellies have cost us our human sense of taste
Injustice has my heart pounding, I’m a runner with no pace
I am alone in this city, in my quest for a place

A world with no vision, I’m the mortal who can see
Society of fish swimming one way, the lonely loner is me
Magazines and Tv barrage us with rules on who to be
Who the hell are you, to tell me how to be me?
the king of my own world, I make the only decree
surrounded by pawns, my mind moves swift like Bruce Lee

Have and have not, the motto of our nation
The top hoard their supplies and hope for starvation
The poor steal to survive, but fear for immigration
Go to church and save your soul for a small donation
Solutions can be found just use your imagination
Brotherhood will be the true key to our salvation

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