challenge me | Teen Ink

challenge me

December 10, 2014
By destiney2639 BRONZE, Malrborough, Massachusetts
destiney2639 BRONZE, Malrborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life

   For like is about taking risk.

Finding your own happiness,
this can be realistic.
Who cares about what they say,
you're really all that matters.
No need to please others,
when your heart will just shatter.

Life is about challenges,
that we all have to face.
Your not alone, but life isnt a race.
Find positivity, in everything you do,
for even the leaves on trees have to die to.

Don’t take life for granted,
for its all that we have.
Do more of what makes YOU happy,
and try to ignore being sad.

In times of great despair, ill always be there.
Take a step at a time,
and life will go as a rhyme.
So welcome to your life journey,
all we have is now.
Be proud of who you are,
and take a nice bowe

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