Childish | Teen Ink


December 9, 2014
By LeoLovelyD. BRONZE, Gulf Shores, Alabama
LeoLovelyD. BRONZE, Gulf Shores, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I get it if he was a coward or did something wrong, but please, do not call him a 'pussy' or tell him that he is acting like a girl. I'm totally all for calling someone out on their wrong doings, just don't use my gender as an insult."- Leo Davidson

I miss being a child. I miss those days when I fought my parents about going to bed because I felt that I would miss out on something while I slept. I miss the days when I woke up early to play outside because it was so amazing out there in the world. I miss waiting for Saturdays because of a cartoon that I was caught on because it was interesting. Life was interesting and there was always something new to learn and see.

But now? Now I can't wait to go back to bed and sleep. I don't want to wake up early, let alone wake up at all. I miss being happy that I was alive. I miss wanting to live. I miss being a child because everything feels so dull and uninteresting now.

Is this what it means to grow up? Is this why every adult I remember from my childhood didn't want to play anymore? Is this why the adults made me go to bed early? Because they forgot what it feels like to want to stay awake so they assume I'm as tired as they are?

I don't want to grow up. Now I understand why Peter Pan never wanted to grow up.

The author's comments:

People don't have that magic anymore. No one wants to play anymore because they don't have the time to and they are exhasted. It's like no one remembers what it was like to be a child anymore. Everyone hates waking up in the morning and the only reason we wait for Saturdays anymore is because we want a break from life.

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