identified | Teen Ink


November 4, 2014
By Natalie_ucbo SILVER, Salem, Ohio
Natalie_ucbo SILVER, Salem, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go to the people and places that set a spark in your soul.

He is
A steady stream of sunlight
at any hour of the day.
He is the staple
that holds everything in place,
and the screwdriver
that twists life together.
He is
the pick up truck
that carries others along.
Or the BMW,
that everyone looks at.
His heart is
made of gold
and his mind is riddled
with intricacies.
He is the wheat field
that sparkles in the sun,
and the grassy plain
where the run-aways sleep.
He is the relaxed form
of a man, content,
with his wandering.

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