It's Not Enough | Teen Ink

It's Not Enough

October 17, 2014
By EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are like roses. If you just grab at us, you'll get a handful of thorns, but if you know where the thorns are and why they protect us you won't get hurt as badly.Only then will you appreciate our beauty."

You could have stopped at my skin. The intricate designs that lace my arms, sticky red liquid seeping out of them. The lines across my stomach and thighs are wet with blood and tears. You could have stopped at my skin. The sharp end of your words points to my chest this time. Screaming from the inside of me, it can't get out. Damaged and broken, repair is impossible. But the knife you weild pushes farther and the fragile heart bursts with a spectacle of flame. My skin isn't enough for you. You had to take my life. 

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