I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

September 17, 2014
By Rileydobby SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
Rileydobby SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from running and jumping on my orange fluffy comforter 
followed by a short stern get down!

I was the monkey boy of the fantastic 4

From mismatched yellow and green walls
covered with old crayon marks when Maddie and I wanted to be artists that day.

I’m from backing into one, two, maybe three cars
to trying to explain this to my parents.

Can I have the keys back now?

From wait what? why? and how!?
to listen up bone head!

I’m from skiing and falling (repeat that order)
and the occasional smashing into a tree.

I got better with time.

From what up Rilerus, Rj, Roofus and Roobarb
to my friends need to rethink nicknames. 

Im from calling for mom when I broke my collarbone
to breaking my arm reenacting  the collarbone fall for my best friend.

Humiliation and laughter explaining the story.

From gagging up steamed carrots when Carrie and Joe tell me to eat healthy,
only causing me to sneak  oreos into my room late at night.

Im from having a party when my parents are in california
to being caught cause the house was cleaner than before they left.

They knew I never cleaned. 
From living in Wisco my whole life
to I gotta get out of here.

I am the black manbajamba.

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