Little New Life | Teen Ink

Little New Life

August 6, 2014
By Nightcore14 BRONZE, Oxnard, California
Nightcore14 BRONZE, Oxnard, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Even in darkness your lips taste of sunshine&rdquo; <br /> ― Francesca Lia Block, Psyche in a Dress

Nine months you swim and breath in the water of your mother womb
All you can see is the darkness but have no worries soon you will see the light
Your hearing things from out these walls but what do you hear?
I wonder every day, if you are a boy or a girl.
I hope you are a boy but I am fine if you are a girl.
It makes me wonder what you will be like one day?
A vegetarian like your mother or an omnivore like your father.
It makes me laugh thinking, if you would be a little rebel like me.
I hope, you will be as sweet as ice cream and kind-hearted.
Let me just say, I will be like an older sister to you to protect.
Here I am writing to you hoping one day you will read my work.
Or maybe I can read you a lullaby I create out from my mind.
I have no nickname for you child but Little New Life
I may be older than you but the day has finally come to say I have a cousin I wish to meet.
Until the day we meet my heart and words go out to you my Little New Life.

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