the sky | Teen Ink

the sky

June 19, 2014
By PrincessBaby GOLD, Port St Lucie, Florida
PrincessBaby GOLD, Port St Lucie, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
ooooo cocoanuts

Their was this little
girl.she ask her sister

one day.........

Why is the sky blue?the little girl ask.

Her sister said........
because of the ocean.

the little girl said.......

no.the people that are in heaven are crying because they miss us.

the little girl had a niece and she ask the same question.

the little girl said their are people that are in heaven they are crying because they miss us.

The next day the little girl niece went to school, they where talking about why the sky was blue.

the little girl niece stood up and proud and said this.....

the reason why the sky is blue is because their are people that are heaven and they miss us.

The author's comments:
I dedicated this to call he people that have lost someone or is loosening someone. The sky is blue for a reason and that's why I think the sky is blue.

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