I am a rollercoaster | Teen Ink

I am a rollercoaster

April 14, 2014
By jamie.o SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jamie.o SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve"

I have twists and turns
Not sure what will happen next

I’m moving at different speeds
fast, slow, and full of energy

There’s a surprise around every corner
loops, steep hills and sharp turns

I am clean and polished ready to take on the next challenge
If i break, I get fixed and continue on

I like the rush of wind gliding past me as i pick of speed
But sometimes I must slow down because the biggest hill is coming up

Then I fall, free fall and nothing can stop me
Falling into the unknown of what's waiting for me

After the biggest fall of my life I come to a complete stop
Waiting for a new beginning of my thrill ride

The author's comments:
this explains my life

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