Rain In The Forest | Teen Ink

Rain In The Forest

April 4, 2014
By Sadie Sampson BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sadie Sampson BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Water pours down on the ground below it
The ground soaks the water up like a sponge
Trees sway back in forth as the wind gusts
Flowers dance in the breezes
As moisture slides down their soft petals
The shining sun peaks through the grey clouds
Wondering if the rain will ever stop
Rain pours down harder
Every squirrel scurries to its nest
As rabbits pounce into their safe underground home
Birds huddle over their eggs
Trying to keep them safe

As the rain slowly subsides
Animals creep out of their homes to look at the once dry forest
Everything looks green, healthy, and alive
From the much needed shower
All life is restored back into nature

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