Our Naive Society | Teen Ink

Our Naive Society

March 23, 2014
By AmberRenae SILVER, Maize, Kansas
AmberRenae SILVER, Maize, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hell is empty, all the devils are here."
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves."
"Bring the drugs baby I can bring my pain."
“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but
I see you are unarmed!”
"Darling you'll be okay."

"The United States of depression."
Generations getting more and more depressed.
People ending their lives.
People smoking and drinking away the pain.
Cutting, anorexia, bulimia, suicide.
I never thought I would understand.
I certainly never thought I'd feel that way.
But look at me, here now.
Look at how broken I truly am.
Can you see in my eyes, my pain?
Do you see through the smile I disguise it with?
No, you don't.
How could you though?
You're too blinded by the way you think things are supposed to be.
There are broken souls everywhere.
People just choose to ignore them.
Or perhaps some put a band-aid on them.
And they think it's all better.
We're all so naive.
I am clinging to the little hope I have left.
Just to stay alive.
I have no bandage.
But that's my fault.
I push them all away.

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