Back To School Blues | Teen Ink

Back To School Blues

January 17, 2014
By MeeraPs GOLD, Nairobi, Other
MeeraPs GOLD, Nairobi, Other
11 articles 12 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just your existence itself is beautiful

Sniff, my eyes go red,
Watching back benchers
Snort the sniff

As it lands on my sandwich,
The bully steals it from me.
No more school lunches, please.

Seven Fifty One, and Two Seconds
Late, detention for you, what to do?
Giggling and higgling of the

Overly "puberating" pimple faces.
Straps of my bag dig deep crevices
Into my scapula.

I tremble in anxiety, as I am forced to gulp down
Calculus. Maths is alphabets, Physics is numbers,
Geography is abbreviations, Mandarin is symbols,

(What am I?)

The barrack walls are too high, I scrape my
Knee trying to climb over the wall. The school
Nurse treats me with a salt solution. Ouch!

Rules and regulations and laws and legislations
Deadlines and teachers and rebels and punishments.

Maintenance of the status quo, why?

Locked behind the chains of
Today's education system. Unfree me,
Oh! Good earthling, take me back home,
Soothe the scars

That school brings me. Head back home,
Onto my bureau, to continue

With the Back to School Blues.

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