Homeless Angel | Teen Ink

Homeless Angel

December 31, 2013
By FarahNadiah SILVER, Kuala Lumpur, Other
FarahNadiah SILVER, Kuala Lumpur, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Peer pressure
A daily monotonous situation.
If you think it is localized to school-yard antics
Or specified within a particular age range
You are wrong
It extends far and wide in a very dangerous Everest-like fashion
From the community of a neighborhood
To the family of a church
To the hierarchy within law enforcement
And the aggressive tactics of political forces
It broadens out into racial, religious, and sexual discriminations
And on into the social classes as well as the aged and disabled
Let's expand our focus into the cultural
Into the governmental structures that reign over countries
Even the warring that spreads from gangs into terrorism
individuality becomes a power play of unhealthy proportions.
It becomes a force for making choices
The friends you keep, the ones you lose,
The path you choose and the choices because of it.
The way you respond to a homeless angel
With sad, weary face and depths of wisdom in the eyes
A soul who has seen exactly what humanity offers
From the goodness to straight mean
And still shines a smile, at peace within
With so much to teach, spoken and unspoken
But very few take the time to listen
And fully embrace the knowledge that's hidden
Sometimes weary and sometimes glad
With a code of justice that's usually honorable
Although to others who are in different shoes
Would snarl and smear,
"He's just one of those."
What does it say that I find him amazing?
Tattered old clothes, shuffling feet,
Reserved wary distance, a little gruff,
and yet...
That our simple exchange in a very quick passing
Was more precious to me
than most superfluous meetings lacking sincerity?
You are a good soul...I see you, I feel you
I respect you...I like that.
You are a reminder why knowing oneself is important.
You are a reminder why looking deeper,
Feeling the heart and soul,
is an individual strength not a weakness.

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