The demons inside. | Teen Ink

The demons inside.

November 20, 2013
By cutters_corpse SILVER, Pensacola, Florida
cutters_corpse SILVER, Pensacola, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"To live doesnt mean that your alive."

With every breath I take comes regret, With every thought regret follows.
No matter what I do, No matter what I say, the demons shall get there way.
They put up a good fight and so do I, they never stop in till I'm in tears,
and even then, they stay with me, hiding in my memories.
My memories, they taunt me.
Never allowing me to forget all of my regrets.
The demons, they haunt me.
Screaming,Picking on my insecurities, and I have no choice but to listen.
All the people I've hurt and all the thing's I've done,
It's clear to me that I've been doing it all wrong,
Cause I'm here today trapped In this awful place.
If it were up to me I'd take my last breath,
and escape from all of life's misery's.

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