Summer Rain | Teen Ink

Summer Rain

October 10, 2013
By juliette725 BRONZE, Hopewell, New Jersey
juliette725 BRONZE, Hopewell, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

Laughter is the music of the night
And the sky is painted with the song of these voices
Staring at the cracks in the gray sidewalk
The deep cough of thunder rolls across the sky
The cool silver rain
Like copper in your mouth
I see the sounds of your heart
And I know the feeling
In Niagara Falls there was never so much joy
But the nights’ music is the quiet that can be felt in your bones
When I run against the dewy grass
Like the sky allowing for the stores down town to open
The nostalgic race of love
The green bottle filled with indigo
As we all stop time and let it pass
And we will run across the filled tonight
And scream “Let it be!”
As the screwed up bird serenades us
I know the truth behind the production of green candy
And the trees nod in agreement
At the crest of the hill
And the rain fills the cracks in the gray sidewalk with streams of silver

The author's comments:
It is the essence of what I call summer.

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