A Snapshot of Autumn | Teen Ink

A Snapshot of Autumn

September 29, 2013
By Yana Kozukhin BRONZE, Acton, Massachusetts
Yana Kozukhin BRONZE, Acton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sandpaper bark

Olive needles

My head leans against

It is the shoulder of

A good friend

A trusted parent

Steady, still, there for me

Crisp air

Scent of Nature



Passionate colors

Oranges, yellows, reds

Sneakers, dangling

Branch, shaking

But I am safe

I am free

I trust it

Like I trust an old friend

A loving parent

A tree

Above me

In God's abode

It is cloudless, one color

I can almost touch it

I can almost touch Him

Birds serenade me

Jovial breeze coexists with peaceful sun

Branches whisper

I am alone

At peace




I am me

One day, when lazy autumn afternoons are gone

And Jack Frost is here

I bring this memory

This short moment of bliss


The author's comments:
I don't have a whole lot of experience with poetry, and I felt like I needed to give it a try.

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