The Love of a Daughter | Teen Ink

The Love of a Daughter

September 19, 2013
By EmmaaKaitlynn BRONZE, North Hampton, Ohio
EmmaaKaitlynn BRONZE, North Hampton, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.'

Your jokes were cheesy,
But your laugh contagious.
Your eyes were childlike
Never dull, always shining.

You could fix anything.
From a broken bracelet to a broken heart.
You were a super hero.
Your strength never wavering.

Always the man I look up to.
Forever my comfort and security.
Seeming to do anything and everything
Nothing in your way.

But even you couldn't stop the storm.
Crashing in from no where.
Drowning the happy times
And stealing the sunshine.

Even you couldn't prevent the inevitable.
A man with a thousand voices
Now silent, gone.
Forever lost but never forgotten.

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